Winners 2008

In 2008 the Foundation rewarded two associations:

  • Friends of Beit Ham

  Born in France in the field of specialised prevention and institutional psychotherapy, the Bait Ham project was imported to Israel by a team that settled in Jerusalem in 1981. Until 1989, Bait Ham's objective was to create a house that would serve as a "model" in Israel to make known the methods of psycho-socio-educational therapy in the form of a prevention club for young people from the underprivileged neighbourhoods of Jerusalem (the majority of the population came from waves of immigration from Arab countries: Morocco, Iraq...). ). Today, from this first experience, and in partnership with the Municipality of Jerusalem, the association manages seven prevention clubs (Bait Ham is in contact with about 400 young people in Jerusalem, 8-13 years old and 14-21 years old), support projects around theatre, music and sport, and a training institute for specialised educators.




  • Friends of Dr Janusz Korczak


  Founded in 1980, the Association's aim is to make Dr. Korczak's work and thought known, to propagate his pedagogical and social ideas and to support specific programmes for the development and rights of the child in Switzerland and throughout the world.



Fondation Grand Rabbin J. Cohen
Avenue Dumas 37
1206 Genève